CAGED Seventh Chords

The diagrams below show the seventh chords based on the CAGED system. These are the most common of the dominant seventh chords and like the Caged minor chord you should make sure you know these very well. Dominant seventh chords contain four notes and are the same as ordinary major chords but with a flat 7th added. We are only concerned with the fundamentals of the Caged method at the moment so we’ll avoid the technical details at this stage. What’s important is that you know where the flat seventh note is located within the chord shapes. Take some time to learn all of these chord patterns inside out. The green note in the diagrams indicates where the flat sevenths are.



Play around with these chord tones using the same idea outlined in the caged technique lesson. Don’t forget this stuff takes a while to sink in and until it does you will probably think it’s all very cheesy sounding and your ideas are limited. Making the most of this system is all about getting these kind of ideas embedded into your brain so well that you can play around with these notes on autopilot. It’s not until you get to that stage that things start to unfold and your solos come to life. Playing with backing tracks is important because it makes it interesting and you will learn a lot quicker. There’s nothing like hands on experience. Playing with backing tracks is like playing with a band which of course is the ultimate goal for guitar soloing.





  1. HI! i’m an italian guitat teacher/guitarist and it’s long time i’ve figured out this method, starting one day from a berkley book that was teaching scales as “caged position”…when realized i’ve immediately broadened my vision on the fingerboard and nowadays i teach this method to all of my student!
    this page is well known to these guys!

    if there’s a way in which i can contribute to the site just let me know


  2. Hi Alessio. The caged system gets over-hyped for the wrong reasons but used properly can be a really powerful tool, as I’m sure you already know. Feel free to contribute, thanks.

  3. this is great…. CAGED system is awesome. helped me alot when i started playing classical guitar.

    GO Geeeeeeeeeeee men!

  4. nish lake says

    hey admin,
    i must say, these lessons are soooo useful, but what do you mean by this method ets over-hyped? How do you know if your over using it?
    nish lake

  5. Thanks for this, I have been using the modal system for years, combining the caged stuff has made improvising easier, thanks for the clear explanation.

  6. M.purushothaman says

    i play scales a lot and i love to play by sounds also my only aim is to master the fret board many a time i fail but never give up… day i’lldo it….. this CAGED system is awesome,the way in which you’ve explained it is wonderful and commendable………thanks

    may i expect a reply as an acknowledgement please

  7. And here in is the power of the CAGED system. It allows us to play any chord change using another shape adjacent to the last chord we played, in any particular place on the fretboard we happen to be in.

  8. John benita says

    I ,m interesting also used to play the cords on different parts of the guitar only I did not know that was the caged System. I,ve yet a probleme understanding what is meander by the different forms of the caged. Must I count the C als one, the À als two and so on? Thank You for the answer in advance.